tiistai 23. lokakuuta 2012


Sain haasteen (jota en luultavasti ole kai tehnyt tai sitten olen, mutta pikku vikoja)! Tämän haasteen sain kuitenkin Sestalta (Mental Hide) ~

"This little award is all about discovering new blogs and helping those with less than 200 followers to get recognised." 

1. Each person tagged must post 11 things about themselves. 
2. They must also answer the 11 questions the ' tagger ' has set for them. 
3. They must create 11 more questions to ask bloggers they have decided to tag. 
4. They must then choose 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers and tag them in their post.
5. These lucky bloggers must then be told. 
6. There's no tag backs."

11 things about me:

1. I'm shy, until you get to know me. Really! I'm not good at speak to new/strange people ^^'
2. My English is bad, but I'm practice it really hard! 
3. I don't see with my right eye. It's almost blind ^^'
4. I'm 162 cm or 163 cm tall!
5. I have so many OC's! Maybe even 90 characters! And I don't honestly remember them all D:
6. I hate carrots (and that was very interesting thing to know about me.. ^^')
7. I don't like my real name. I don't know why though D:
8. I don't have many friends, but I think that it's ok because they all are so awesome~
9. My hair are natural curly (when my hair was short it's kind look like afro but not anymore :'D)
10. I like drawing really much! (and I think you all know it already)
11. I want make good comic and completed it!

11 questions:

1. Minkälaista musiikkia kuuntelet? (What kind of music do you listen?)

As you can see I listen really different types of music ^^'

2. Mitä unelma päiväsi sisältäisi? (What would your dream day to be like?)
I don't know, maybe I go to Japan with my friends or something~

3. Jos sinulla olisi miljoona euroa käytössäsi, mitä kaikkea ostaisit sillä jos sinun pitäisi käyttää kaikki itseesi? (If you had a million euros, what would you buy if you had to use it all on yourself?)
I buy lot of clothes, shoes, games, accessories, mangas, movies maybe and other things I really don't need but I want~~ (●♡◡♡●)






4. Mikä oli vahvin aineesi koulussa? (Which school subject are you best at?)
Math I think.. ^^'

5. Mikä on mielestäsi parhain osa sinussa (esim. nenä, kynnet, silmät)? Miksi? (What's the best parts of you (like nose, nails, eyes) why?)
My long nails (not so long anymore though) because I like long pretty nails (*´ ∇`)

6. Maat joissa olet käynyt? Lemppari maa missä olet käynyt? (Which countries have you visited? which was your favorite?)
I have visited in Sweden, Norway, Italy and Estonia. My favorites was Norway and Italy~

7. Suurin pelkosi? Fobiasi? (Your greatest fear?)
My greatest fear... hmmm.. spiders?

8. Lempi elokuvasi? Miksi? (Your favorite movie? why?)
I don't have one favorite... But Pirates of the Caribbean movies are really good ones!

9. Jos olisit eläin mikä olisit ja miksi? (If you were an animal which one would you be and why?)
I don't know! Shark, no one eat it! I really don't want to get myself eaten... But shark aren't cute and I would like to be cute animal D8

10. Kuvaile 5 sanalla huonettasi/asuntoasi. (Describe your room/apartment with five words)
Messy, big, full, high and white!

11. Miksi aloitit blogisi kirjoittamisen? (Why did you start writing a blog?)
I don't know, maybe I was bored or something... I don't really remember ^^'

11 questions to:
HajaMiel (Written Before Dawn), Lonlon (Karkiton), Bakaneko (Kaikki paitsi anime on turhaa),  Sunny Rainy Underworld (Happily Ever After...Or not..).
Hohohoho! Paiskasinkin sitten näin monta tyyppiä uhriksi 8DDD

1. Päivä jota et jostain syystä unohda koskaan? Miksi?
2. Minkälaienen on unelmien kotisi?
3. Vaateet/muut asusteet jotka sinun olisi "pakko" saada?
4. Sinun top 5 animet
5. Unelmien ammattisi?
6. Pahin painajaisesi?
7. Oletko katsonut koskaan todella surkeaa elokuvaa? Jos olet niin mikä?
8. Asia johon et halua törmätä?
9. Suosikki hahmo? (esim. sarjakuva, elokuva, sarja jne.)
10. Millä vuosisadalla haluaisit elää? Miksi?
11. Olitko iloinen saadessasi tämän haasteen? Vai ajattelitko "miksi juuri minä?!"

Huh! Selvisinpäs tästä! hahaha~ komee tuli ja nyt kyllä nukkuun!

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